Product Plus - since 1988

The company was established in 1988 and was one of the first private  enterprises at that time,  which produced sesame seed candies.

After the political and economy transformation in 1989 the plant  had been equipped with the new technology lines that allowed us to expand the production and the range of products.

For many years our company has been participating in the prestigous International Food Fair  in, among others, Germany, France, Austria, Great Britain, Canada and the USA, where we have  made a lot of  trade contacts. Thanks to  the contacts and  the improvements we have become  one of the major companies exporting sesame seed candies.

From the beginning, we have implemented HACCP system in order to indentify and estimate the scale of products’ threat of safety from the point of view of their health quality and the risk of occurance of those threats while all steps of production and distribution.

Over next few years: ISO 9001:2000, IFS (International Food Standard) and Bio Certificate

Quality management systems ensure that the producer took every effort for the safety of products and customers, according to regulations, good production practice and the customers’ needs.

Product Plus is one of the most modern companies producing sesame seed candies